
Google Analytics

Google Analytics provides insights into how a website or app performs. It is used to track objectives and unearth thoughtful insights into how visitors locate a site, their activity on the site, and if objectives are met. This information makes it easier to craft an efficient marketing plan. With this web data and predictive model of how your actions will perform, you can increase the return on investment (ROI) of your website and businesses. Benefits of Google Analytics. Track online traffic Analyze and understand user behavior Get in-built data reports and the option to customize reports with desired KPIs Improve online ads with marketing analytics Conversion tracking to track the required conversions Segment the users effectively Improve SEO and content marketing Understand your Target Group eCommerce performance analysis Track goals Suggestions to improve performance Discover the right platforms for marketing. Traffic sources in Google Analytics: 1.  Direct traffic  Direct traffic

Google Search Console and its Verification Methods.

  Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmasters tool) is a free platform for anyone with a website to monitor how google views its size and optimize its organic presence. Google search console is created to easily track the performance of your website. You can get valuable insights out of your Google Search Console account which means that you can see what part of your website needs work. Google Search Console Verification To start using Google Search Console, you will need to launch google search console tools and begin with your required Gmail id. Within the google search console click on "add a new property "in the top bar. If you choose the domain option you only have to add the domain name. With the URL prefix option, you have to add the right URL address. When you've added the website, the next step is to verify that you are the owner of your website. Ownership will be auto-verified if the website and google search console account is created with the same ema

On Page Optimization.

Search Engine Optimization is the science of improving a website to increase its visibility when people search for products or services. Search Engine Optimization involves a wide range of strategies that fall into two categories; Off-page optimization and On-page optimization. Off-Page optimization. Off-page optimization refers to all activities that are done directly off the website to raise the ranking of a page in search engines. Link building, forums, influencers outreach, content marketing...etc are some of the off-page SEO techniques. On-Page SEO  On-Page SEO (or On-Site SEO) is the process of optimizing web pages to rank higher in search engines for specific keywords to increase organic traffic. It involves aligning page-level elements like title tags, headings, and content as well as search intent with a specific set of keywords. Here are a few techniques that can be used to improve the website's On-Page SEO. 1. Integrate relevant keywords to the webpage:- Keywords trigger

History & Evolution of SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a set of rules for optimizing your website so that it can achieve higher rankings in search engines’ organic results. It’s the process to follow to increase the visibility of your website in search engines and get more traffic.SEO can be considered as a complete framework since the whole process has a number of rules (or guidelines), a number of stages, and a set of controls. History of SEO SEO has evolved in parallel with the contributions that the algorithms of its last three decades have been able to provide.That is how initially we come across with classic or rudimentary SEO from the 1990s.Subsequent decades were influenced by the presence of technology and the professionalisation of content creation. Larry Page and Sergey Brin of Stanford university developed Google in 1998.Google saw an opportunity to do something that other search engines weren’t.They began working on algorithm updates that would reward quality and relevant cont